
G.O. 118 – Jesse St. Louis

G.O. 118 – Be Infamous With Jesse St. Louis Jesse St. Louis has always been enamored with the chaos of moving water. Yet, an obsessive pursuit of his acting career kept him blind to the natural world around him for many years. A fateful experience atop a waterfall in L.A. would inspire him to reevaluate…

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G.O. 116 – Jerry Nickelsburg

G.O. 116 – Jerry Nickelsburg, Guided by an Outdoor Epiphany In addition to his responsibilities as a father, grandfather, professor, and respected economist; Jerry Nickelsburg has traveled the world pursuing backpacking, mountaineering, SCUBA diving, caving, and more. A California kid raised in Virginia, Jerry was a troubled child with a worrisome future. A camping trip…

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G.O. 114 – Lincoln Stoller

G.O. 114 – Lincoln Stoller and the Climbing Mind Lincoln Stoller was introduced to climbing at the age of thirteen which quickly evolved into mountaineering. Throughout the 70s and 80s he climbed with storied greats such as Fred Beckey. His curious mind lead him to pursuits such as soar plane piloting, diving, exploring foreign cultures,…

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G.O. 112 – Justin Pugh

G.O. 112 – Justin Pugh is On Rope Justin Pugh’s childhood outdoor experiences were minimal. This began to change while attending university in Florida where he discovered the secret realm of urban exploration. Urbex was his initial gateway to the outdoors—a doorway that exploded open after moving to California and joining a camping trip in…

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G.O. 111 – Randi Ball

G.O. 111 – Randi Ball Climbs Through Cancer Randi Ball grew up in a sedentary and unhealthy family in the San Fernando Valley of California. Becoming a mother and discovering climbing in Joshua Tree motivated her to pursue an active and fit lifestyle. Yet, fighting cancer and navigating a divorce would test her newfound resilience…

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G.O. 110 – John Gray

G.O. 110 – John Gray, Adventures Past to Expat Future John Gray grew up as a prototypical Southern California surfer boy. After a divorce in adulthood, he sought to recapture the health and fitness of his youth. He threw himself into hiking, backpacking, climbing, and canyoneering. He and Jason sat at a dark park bench…

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G.O. 108 – Kat and Craig Return

G.O. 108 – Catching Up With Kat Carney & Craig Kinsley The return of Kat & Craig! Last time we spoke with our favorite photographer and Olympian couple, they were moving into a Suburban to travel for a year. Now—seven years later—they are married parents living in Rhode Island preparing for a future road trip….

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G.O. 106 – Ezgi Kunttas

G.O. 106 – Ezgi Kunttas Finds Mountains and Meaning Ezgi Kunttas grew up climbing Mulberry trees in Turkey unaware of the adventures available in the mountains around her. Pursuing a path as a biologist brought her to the United States. Yet, it would ultimately be her divorce at 35 that would motivate her to seek…

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G.O. 100 – Taylor Carpenter

G.O. 100 – Taylor Carpenter on Static Climbing Climber Taylor Carpenter taught herself to sew and started a business—Static Climbing—in her bedroom. Dedication, serendipity, and contributions from others would help it grow into a successful operation serving a global climbing market. Taylor and Jason sat in a yard in Bell one evening discussing her competitive…

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G.O. 098 – Lady Crush Crew

G.O. 098 – Roundtable: Lady Crush Crew Lady Crush Crew is a climbing community devoted to empowering and enabling women to climb together (and crush together). Initially an Instagram group to connect women in San Francisco, LCC has expanded across the U.S. Jason met with three group leaders one afternoon to discuss the history of…

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