
G.O. 123 – Marilee Valkass

G.O. 123 – Racing to Nature With Marilee Valkass Marilee Valkass owes her love of nature to her father who introduced her to the deserts and mountains of California at a young age. This fascination has guided her life—leading her down the snowy slopes of Mammoth, cross country in cycling races, and into wilderness areas…

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G.O. 117 – Jessica Leila

G.O. 117 – Fun Facts With Super Spy Jessica Leila Jessica Leila grew up with parents who wanted her to have every opportunity they had not. Her childhood was filled with love, world travel, and every extracurricular activity imaginable. Despite this, she still struggled with anxiety and an underlying anger. Joining a caving grotto in…

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G.O. 087 – Daisy Martinez

G.O. 087 – Running With Confidence With Daisy Martinez Daisy Martinez has struggled with depression throughout her life. A day hike with a friend to Mount Baldy would unexpectedly lead her down a path to ultra running. This newfound passion gives her a renewed sense of purpose, goals to achieve, builds confidence, and helps manage…

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G.O. 083 – Daniel Harm

G.O. 083 – Daniel Harm Builds a Trail to Harmony Daniel Harm has lived an eclectic existence influenced by nature and art. He grew up internationally, raced bicycles professionally, lived in the wilderness building an ornate trail system, scales mountains and trees, and shares his style of unique art through photography and film. He and…

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G.O. 079 – Michael Kelley

G.O. 079 – Becoming a Beginner With Michael Kelley Michael Kelley spent his youth surfing the beaches of Malibu until he discovered the competitive world of cycling and eventually SUP racing. Now, he shares his years of experience with others as a Scoutmaster, father, and REI instructor. Michael and Jason spent a morning at Will…

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G.O. 045 – Paul Hytinen & Dylan Gonda

G.O. 045 – Touring the Divide with Paul & Dylan The Tour Divide is a backcountry off-road cycling route spanning over 2700 miles from Banff, Canada to Antelope Wells, New Mexico. Paul Hytinen and Dylan Gonda are two men separated by 40 years in age who both found themselves itching to take on this challenge….

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G.O. 035 – Andrew Merrill

G.O. 035 – Cycling Flight Paramedic Andrew Merrill Andrew Merrill grew up in Lancaster, California where the L.A. Fire Dept. Explorer’s Program and the television series, Emergency would leave indelible marks on his character. A desire to help those in need and save lives lead him to adopt a career as a Flight Paramedic. He…

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G.O. 024 – Esme Deprez

G.O. 024 – Esme Deprez on Rocks, Skis, and Journalism Ex-Mighty Mite, Esme Deprez is a journalist for Bloomberg Businessweek concentrated on delivering unbiased government and politics oriented stories. The social constructions of mankind are not her sole interests and she often heads outside of the bounds of society to climb rad rocks or ski…

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G.O. 014 – Mike Hastings

G.O. 014 – On 2 Wheels With Mike Hastings Mike Hastings was raised in the frigid motor city of Michigan where a love for machines and a superhuman tolerance for cold temperatures was born. Early in adulthood, he headed West chasing the two-wheeled pursuits of mountain biking and motorcycle racing. He even indulged a momentary…

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G.O. 013 – Pamela Zoolalian

G.O. 013 – Downhill and Up With Pamela Zoolalian Pamela Zoolalian wants to do everything. She is not content pursuing only one sport, but lets the seasons decide what is available to her. Whether mountaineering, surfing, backpacking, snowboarding, kayaking, or mountain biking, she is most fulfilled outdoors. In 2013, she decided to hike the 272…

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