Episode Archives

G.O. 123 – Marilee Valkass

G.O. 123 – Racing to Nature With Marilee Valkass Marilee Valkass owes her love of nature to her father who introduced her to the deserts and mountains of California at a young age. This fascination has guided her life—leading her down the snowy slopes of Mammoth, cross country in cycling races, and into wilderness areas…

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G.O. 122 – Glen Van Peski

G.O. 122 – Taking Less With Glen Van Peski of Gossamer Gear Glen Van Peski is a retired engineer best know for accidentally starting the ultralight backpacking company Gossamer Gear. He recently published take less. do more., a book reflecting on his adventures in life and nature and how they’ve lead him to gratitude and…

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G.O. 121 – Morgan McShea

G.O. 121 – Tiny Home Dweller Morgan McShea Connects With Nature Morgan McShea chased her passions for fashion and filmmaking, but ultimately found disillusionment instead. She unexpectedly discovered a greater purpose in the natural environments of the Pacific Northwest. Jason and Morgan sat on the porch of her tiny home one afternoon discussing her path…

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G.O. 120 – Bill Sharpsteen

G.O. 120 – Documenting Adventure With Bill Sharpsteen of Mr. Hall’s Trail Guide Cub Scout Drop-out Bill Sharpsteen became enamored with outdoor exploration on a high school backpacking trip. His inquisitive sensibilities and desire for adventure lead him to a career as a journalist, photographer, and documentary producer. His latest project is the YouTube channel…

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G.O. 119 – Shirlz Jocelyn

G.O. 119 – Canyons Are Calling Shirlz Jocelyn Utah native Shirlz Jocelyn was introduced to canyoneering in 2010, a moment that would alter the course of her future. Her love for the sport would lead her to a stint as a canyon guide, an ongoing job with Imlay Canyon Gear, and the drive to produce…

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G.O. 118 – Jesse St. Louis

G.O. 118 – Be Infamous With Jesse St. Louis Jesse St. Louis has always been enamored with the chaos of moving water. Yet, an obsessive pursuit of his acting career kept him blind to the natural world around him for many years. A fateful experience atop a waterfall in L.A. would inspire him to reevaluate…

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G.O. 117 – Jessica Leila

G.O. 117 – Fun Facts With Super Spy Jessica Leila Jessica Leila grew up with parents who wanted her to have every opportunity they had not. Her childhood was filled with love, world travel, and every extracurricular activity imaginable. Despite this, she still struggled with anxiety and an underlying anger. Joining a caving grotto in…

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G.O. 116 – Jerry Nickelsburg

G.O. 116 – Jerry Nickelsburg, Guided by an Outdoor Epiphany In addition to his responsibilities as a father, grandfather, professor, and respected economist; Jerry Nickelsburg has traveled the world pursuing backpacking, mountaineering, SCUBA diving, caving, and more. A California kid raised in Virginia, Jerry was a troubled child with a worrisome future. A camping trip…

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G.O. 115 – Liz Del Sol

G.O. 115 – Magician Liz Del Sol Swims With the Sharks Born in Mexico, but raised in Texas, Liz Del Sol always felt an intense draw towards adventure and performing. Naturally, as soon as she graduated from college, she headed for Hollywood to pursue both. A fateful night at a production party would introduce her…

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G.O. 114 – Lincoln Stoller

G.O. 114 – Lincoln Stoller and the Climbing Mind Lincoln Stoller was introduced to climbing at the age of thirteen which quickly evolved into mountaineering. Throughout the 70s and 80s he climbed with storied greats such as Fred Beckey. His curious mind lead him to pursuits such as soar plane piloting, diving, exploring foreign cultures,…

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